วันพุธที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Part of Speech Test practice


Question Excerpt From 8 parts of Speech Test practice

Q.1)     What part of speech describes a verb, adjective, or adverb and answerswhen? where? how? and to what extent?
            A.        verb
B.        adjective
C.        adverb
D.        preposition
E.         noun

Q.2)      What part of speech connects words or groups of words? Examples are but, or and yet.
A.        preposition
B.        adverb
C.        interjection
D.        conjunction
E.         pronoun

Q.3)      What part of speech substitutes for a noun or pronoun? Examples are we, they him.
A.        pronoun
B.        verb
C.        conjunction
D.        noun
E.         interjection

Q.4)      What part of speech describes a noun or pronoun and answers the questions which one? how many? which one(s)?
A.        verb
B.        adverb
C.        adjective
D.        preposition
E.         noun

Q.5)      Which part of speech expresses a mild or sudden burst of emotion? Examples are wow! or no,.
A.        adverb
B.        noun
C.        interjection
D.        preposition
E.         adjective

Q.6)      Which part of speech describes the distance/placement/proximity of one word and another word in a sentence? Examples are on, to, behind, with.
A.        adverb
B.        preposition
C.        interjection
D.        noun
E.         conjunction

Q.7)      Which part of speech describes an action or state of being or condition? Examples are throw, run. was, is, seems.
A.        noun
B.        adverb
C.        preposition
D.        adjective
E.         verb

Q.8)      What part of speech describes a person, place, thing, or idea? Examples are house, jury, determination.
A.        noun
B.        pronoun
C.        adjective
D.        interjection
E.         conjunction

Q.9)      What type of pronouns are I, we, she, they. him, us? They refer to "people."
( or 2 words )

Q.10)    What type of personal pronouns are I, we, she, he and they? They usually belong in the front of a sentence.
( or 2 words )

Q.11)    What type of pronouns are me, them her, him, us? They usually belong in the predicate.
( or 2 words )

Q.12)    The verbs seems, is, was and had when used alone are what kind of verbs?
( or 2 words )

Q.13)    A verb that describes physical or mental action is called what type of verb?
( or 2 words )

Q.14)    A noun that names a group of things is called what type of noun? It rarely ends in "s."
( or 2 words )

Q.15)    What type of noun is always capitalized?
( or 2 words )

Q.16)    What type of noun can be perceived by the five senses?
( or 2 words )

Q.17)    What type of noun is made up of two or more words?
( or 2 words )

Q.18)    What type of noun cannot be perceived by the senses? (love, ambition, liberty..)
( or 2 words )

Q.19)    The adjectives a, an, and the are called what kind of adjectives?

Q.20)    What kind of article is "the"?
( or 2 words )

Q.21)    What kind of articles are the words a and an?
( or 2 words )

Q.22)    What is the name of the word that the pronoun stands for or refers to in a sentence?

Q.23)    Which word must be able to be switched with the word "because" for it to be a conjunction?
A.        but
B.        or
C.        because
D.        for
E.         yet

Q.24)    Conjunctions used in pairs are called what kind of conjunctions? (both...and/either...or/...)
( or 2 words )

Q.25)    (She, Her) and Sara went to the store. Which is the correct pronoun to use?
A.        She
B.        Her

Q.26)    I went camping with John and (he, him).
A.        him
B.        he

Q.27)    What is the verb phrase in the following sentence: They did not go running very far.
( 3 words )

Q.28)    What kind of adjective is the word "American" in the following sentence?
The soldiers saluted the American flag.
( or 2 words )

Q.29)    What word is being described by the adverb "inside" in the following sentence?
A warm fire beckoned the weary travelers inside.

Q.30)    Prepositional phrases always begin with a _____________ and ends with noun or pronoun.

Q.31)    Which word is only a preposition when it can be substituted with the word "except," otherwise it is a coordinating conjunction?

Q.32)    What is the prepositional phrase in the following sentence?
I ran around the block ten times today.
( 3 words )

Q.33)    The phrases "according to, in addition to, and because of are examples of what kind of prepositions?
( or 2 words )

Q.34)    What part of speech is the bolded word in the following sentence. Adverb or Preposition?
The boys went inside to eat dinner.
A.        Adverb
B.        Preposition

Q.35)    Is the following sentence written actively or passively?
Many of the math problems were written down wrong.
A.        passive
B.        active
Q.36)    Mild interjections are followed by what kind of punctuation?
A.        exclamation point
B.        semicolon
C.        comma
D.        period
E.         colon

Q.37)    Interjections that express a sudden burst of emotion are followed by what kind of punctuation?
A.        comma
B.        semicolon
C.        colon
D.        exclamation point
E.         period

Q.38)    How many prepositional phrases are in the following sentence?
During the month of May we went on a trip with our friends to Canada.
A.        2
B.        3
C.        4
D.        5
E.         6

Q.39)    What are the four questions that adverbs can answer?
A.        who? when? where? why?
B.        when? where? how? why?
C.        when? where? to what extent/degree? what?
D.        to what extent/degree? when? where? how?
E.         when? where? to what extent/degree? why?

Q.40)   What are the three questions that adjectives can answer?
A.        who? what? when? where?
B.        who? what kind? to what extent/degree?
C.        which one? what kind? to what extent/degree
D.        which one? what kind? how many?
E.         which one? how many? why?

Q.41)    What is the verb phrase in the following sentence?
I will not be going sledding because it's too cold.
( 4 words )

Q.42)    What is the infinitive verb phrase in the following sentence?
I want to play baseball today.
( 2 words )

 Q.43)    How many adjectives are in the following sentence, including articles?
The red car roared around the sharp corner and hit an old oak tree.
A.        4
B.        5
C.        6
D.        7
E.         8

Q.44)    The noun "mob" is a common noun, a concrete noun, and.......what is the last kind? 

